Gold •248 days | 2,368.70 | +35.30 | +1.51% | |
Platinum •15 mins | 966.50 | -13.20 | -1.35% | |
WTI Crude •1 day | 67.04 | +0.68 | +1.02% | |
Gasoline •1 day | 2.109 | +0.008 | +0.36% | |
Ethanol •248 days | 2.161 | +0.000 | +0.00% | |
Silver •248 days | 30.82 | +1.16 | +3.92% |
Silver • 248 days | 30.82 | +1.16 | +3.92% | ||
Copper • 248 days | 4.530 | +0.111 | +2.51% | ||
Brent Crude • 1 day | 70.36 | +0.90 | +1.30% | ||
Natural Gas • 1 day | 4.399 | +0.097 | +2.25% | ||
Heating Oil • 1 day | 2.216 | -0.008 | -0.35% |
For some reason the lyrics of Electric Light Orchestra's classic, Livin' Thing, keep resounding in my head: "You took me, ooh, woah, higher and higher, baby. It's a livin' thing…
If we had to venture a guess at this particular juncture as to where the stock market is headed, we would break down our guess into the near term (next…
The U.S. Dollar was hit hard on Friday. Traders aggressively sold the Dollar after the government reported a lower than estimated decline in 2nd Quarter GDP. Today's number suggests that…
Stocks Markets world-wide are in a Grand Supercycle degree wave {IV} Bear Market. This is a huge Bear Market, meaning either in terms of time, or in terms…
For the week, the S&P500 added 0.8% (up 9.3% y-t-d), and the Dow gained 0.9% (up 4.5% y-t-d). The Morgan Stanley Cyclicals surged 5.5% (up 43.7%), and the Transports added…
Every market is comprised of cycles of various durations. Each of these cycles is constantly ebbing and flowing with one another much like the currents, the tide, the waves and…
The good news is: • New highs came to life last week. Short Term The NASDAQ composite (OTC) finished a run of 12 consecutive up days on July 23 a…
Generational Earthquakes?...We're going to spend this month's discussion imbibing in a little bit of self indulgence. An exercise in sitting back quietly, looking out the window, a few deep breaths,…
The question we have been focused on for some time now is whether we end up with inflation, or deflation, and what that endgame looks like. It is one of…
Market Overview For weeks, and for that matter months, we saw the market race off the bottom at SP 500 666. Day after day and week after week we saw…