Here's an update of the 4th Monthly DJIA line chart in my August 31, 2003 communication:

Last year I reported that the Monthly DJIA time paths preceding the 8 deep Monthly DJIA Coppock Curve buy signal dates since 1950 pair off into 4 patterns. Given that 3 of those 4 pairs also comprise POST-signal time path pattern pairs, I wondered if the latest post-signal time path would similarly pair off, after the signal, with its pre-signal partner. I decided to wait, watch, and report the outcome.
The following paragraph still applies:
Here is how things stand: For 5/30/03 and 4/28/78 to comprise a post-signal pattern pair the Monthly DJIA must show a net downside bias from 5/30/03 to 5/30/05, roughly tracking its 4/28/78 to 4/30/80 path. A good course of action in this regard would have been for the green time path to oscillate around the coral time path with the same greater amplitude and same lower frequency it exhibited pre-5/30/03. Instead it rose strongly for many months, showing an even greater amplitude and even lower frequency than before. So, for the two time paths to remain a pattern pair now the green one must nosedive. I estimate that a DJIA drop into the 8,000 neighborhood this year is required to preserve the pattern pair. If that does happen, I will NOT have predicted it. I just observe and report.