This is meant as no disrespect to the family of Billy Mays. Rather, it is intended as utmost admiration of the man. My house and garage are full of the products - almost two of each product - that Billy Mays advertised on basic cable television. He was one of the best salespersons I have ever seen. I would purchase almost anything Billy Mays was selling. With his passing, my personal saving rate is bound to rise and I suspect the saving rate of many other Americans' will also for the same reason. Although this will hurt retail sales, it will help business capital spending as we purchase more corporate bonds rather than Mighty Mendit tape. (By the way, I suspect that Mighty Mendit would be great to repair tears in a spinnaker. And if you order now, you might get two kits for the price of one. Just pay the extra shipping and handling fee.) Billy, may you rest in peace.