If you hold or are considering directly or indirectly (through an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) or bank gold certificate for example) holding or investing in physical gold, you should consider reviewing the Infographic recently included on the Visual Capitalist website. That Infographic summarizes what it says to be (data I have not confirmed):
the aggregate number of proven, probable, measured, indicated and inferred (not stated to be 'resources' or 'reserves') currently known world-wide;
the world's ten largest deposits;
location of world's known gold deposits (top 12 countries);
deposit grades by top 10 countries and top 10 deposits;
number of producing and non-producing deposits; and,
average grades data.
The Infographic is interesting, and links to a thirty page report generated by Natural Resource Holdings. That report provides additional detail, including:
the number of gold mines and deposits with over one million ounces of gold; and,
the top 50 gold producers by grade.
Topical Reference: Global Gold Mines and Deposits Ranking 2012, from Visual Capitalist, July 27, 2012 - reading time 4 minutes.