Good Morning: It's Saturday:
Accuracy in Forecasting is what it is all about:
This all dates back to over 50 years of my work / analytics of Inflection Points.
I have written a large number of articles on my Methodology which is based on the early and clear Forecasting and Identification of all Inflection Points. I know of no other source of information and data that provides LEADING guidance with this consistent accuracy.
All my articles are based on "My Methodology" - You might consider spending some time reviewing the following URL:
The Market for the Past Week

As for the Market this past week: I was a good week again if you are Bearish and I / We are definitely "Bearish." I continue to look for a Mini-Rally that just does not materialize. If or When it (a Mini-Rally) does it will "sink the ship" and all kinds of negatives will be reported by Washington and other Capitals of the world. Remember, I have said: the U.S. is in an (unannounced) Recession, that and much more will be announces AFTER the Election.
More on that tomorrow - exclusively in my "Client Weekly Forecast Update."
My Valuation Forecast of not such good Earnings was endorsed and magnified this past week with all major Indexes losing - the DJI lost another 1.8% percent.
Repeat from Last Week: Several "REVISED" figures that were presented by our "FINE" and "HONEST" Government (U. S.) made Home Sales negative from previous figures. This has been the policy for many years. "They" don't think the "people" read the "revised" stuff. They were correct for decades but that has changed.
Europe and Asia are not doing any better.
Not a pretty picture ...
My Inflection Point (I. P.) Count
My Inflection Point (I. P.) Count Dropped to a recent Low of 40 on Friday. I continue to be impressed with My New Proprietary Indicator.
You might want to stay in touch with my Proprietary Indicator. Go to:$INDU&p=W&yr=1&mn=6&dy=0&id=p79023347983&a=270034212
This might just be the best Indicator I have ever seen! Plug in and perhaps log into:
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Repeating: I continue to find little to nothing to de-rail my position that the U.S. is already in an (unannounced) Recession -- and -- that a "Confirmed" Bearish Inflection Point is well over due.
Again -- The Market was NOT Up as Forecast!
Note: My Forecast for the General Market is Bearish, but REQUIRES "Conformations" to be active. Until my "Conformations" are in place( Kick-In ) I cannot take further Bearish Positions.
Treasuries were Down a bit but and has looked anemic for nearly 5 months. That's Bearish!
The U.S. Dollar was Down a bit and is looking to rally some more. (My Forecast of a USD Rally could be delayed - see my notes above).
Oil (Crude) was Down over one percent. Last Week I Said: "However, a rally is coming". The beginning of that perhaps started this past week with Crude being Up almost 2.0%. I will wait for my Confirmations.
Gold Turned Down again this past week. I am Forecasting another Pull-Back. Again, this may take time to develop. It looks like my Bearish Forecast is doing well.
Commodities (Comprehensive) were Down and seems to be leading Gold every so slightly and also look very Bearish.
I hope you will permit me to answer your Questions and Thoughts.
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The following are the thirteen Companies that I providing Articles and Alerts / Warnings. Remember, these are only my Bellwether Companies as a partial guide to use my Rotation Model to Identify the Currently Most Favorable Companies and ETFs to consider at the time of the above mentioned Inflection Points.
(To view my 20-Year Chart for any of the above Symbols - just Click on the Symbol).
StockCharts (ALL (50 or so) High Profile - Bellwether Companies) Public List:
I hope you will become a regular Follower and perhaps a valued Client. My work / analytics should be very compelling for your considering working with me.
Smile, have fun Investing Wisely,