The bad news hitting the tape has not forced the SP500 to crack, buy the dip folks are very pleased.
Bad news
- Oil crash, increased risk of debt accidents
- Swiss peg break to the Euro, funds blowing up
- US retail sales, fundamentals dont matter any more
The ECB is buying more stuff, the game of musical chairs moves on FED to BOJ to ECB. A Citi bank analyst has stated that world wide markets need $200 to $250 billion a quarter to 'NOT CRASH', so far the order has been met.
This cycle continues to work and should show a risk on market by the end of Jan 2015.
Investing Quote...
"Tape reading is rapid-fire horse sense...The Tape Reader aims to make deductions from each succeeding transaction -- every shift of the market kaleidoscope; to grasp a new situation, force it lightning-like through the weighing machine of the brain and to reach a decision which will be acted upon with coolness and precision"~ Richard D Wyckoff
"Investing should be like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement...go to Las Vegas." ~ Paul Samuelson