The collapse of the US Government and US dollar is really turning into some of the best entertainment you can find. We've been enjoying it for the profit alone with our large position in gold and hard asset related investments. Just the humor, however, is worth the price of admission. We've stopped watching comedy movies. Will Ferrell can't beat this.
The biggest laughs of them all come from Paul Krugman of the New York Times. Krugman, as anyone with a functioning cerebrum knows, is nothing but a court jester or sideshow act of the collapse.

Insane, Homeless Man Finds Suit in Trash
He looks like an insane, homeless man. And I realize that I just insulted insane, homeless men around the world.
Adding to the laugh factor, everything he says sounds like what an insane, homeless man would say! It's hard to know where to even begin with him.
Perhaps the funniest thing about Krugman is that he promotes himself as having won the Nobel Prize in Economics. There is, for the record, no such thing.
It'd be like if the Nantucket Bowling League had a "Nantucket Nobel Bowling Prize" and you went around town telling people you won the Nobel Prize in Bowling.
What Krugman attests to have won is a Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. This "prize" is handed out by the central bank of Sweden, Sveriges Riksbank. Surprise, surprise... a central bank likes crazed Keynesian loudmouths.
In other words, it has no connection to the Nobel Prize whatsoever. Not that any connection to the Nobel Prize would be anything about which to crow. War-monger Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, after all!
But it is funny nonetheless that Krugman promotes himself this way.
But, today, Krugman even outdid.... Krugman!
He went on the State Broadcasting Network (known as "CNN" to most) to debate another Statist. That is the only kind of debates allowed on State Media in the US, after all.
His opponent stated that he approves of state spending on things as long as they are "useful" things. Krugman, offering the other side of the Statist argument, vehemently disagreed. Krugman said that ALL state spending is good and helps the economy.
Both are sadly, dangerously incorrect, of course. But even in this battle of the losers, Krugman loses.
Looking dishelved and unkempt, Krugman responded, "Look at World War II!", espousing the usual incorrect Keynesian propaganda that World War II pulled the US out of the Great Depression. And then he showed the insanity of his position.
He stated that even if we could come up with some artificial space attack by aliens, that THAT would help the economy! (You have to see it to believe it - below)
CNN - Fake Alien Invasion Can Improve The Economy
After all, we'd all be busy working on laser guns and outer space weapons technology, putting not only America back to work, but the entire world!
And, in that one statement, he showed the ludicrousity of modern Keynesian dogma.
So, if everyone in the world stopped what they were doing for a few years... No new iPads... no new flat screen TVs, no food production - except for subsistence level... and we all devoted all our time, effort and capital to preparing for a non-existant war, we'd be better off?
But even this isn't the worst part. That's how you know we are all screwed.
The worst part is that no one laughed.