While recently attending the Orlando Money Show and as one of the few who were advocating real money, if you know what I mean, the topic of the silver and gold shortage was discussed, as you'll see in the attached video link. Before viewing it, keep in mind a few points:
There are some advantages to buying Silver Eagles that I did not go into during this interview.
Secondly, the premiums in the coin market still exist to this day, yet all of the dealers that I network with have verified to me that supply of both silver and gold coins is tight but much more plentiful than just a few months ago.
Nevertheless, the U.S. Mint is still having "problems" and has cut back on many of the coins that were once offered. Gold Eagles seem to be the hardest to obtain at this point.
Click Here to Watch Video discussing the Coin Shortage
Now that you've viewed the video, here are some other thoughts to keep in mind:
Silver bags (junk silver) still have a large premium, which is unusual; most of the time junk bags sell at a discount to the spot silver price.
Foreign gold coins also have a higher than normal premium.
Not many sellers are in the market -- in fact it is almost exclusively buyers!!
As mentioned in the video, it is normally best to get as much gold or silver per "dollar" spent, and this is outlined in the Ten Rules of Silver Investing, which you can obtain for free by visiting our Web site and signing up for the free updates. In addition to the ten rules, we do feature some of the coin dealers we know and trust.
It is an honor to be.