It's time to make some phone calls. It will take less than 10 minutes. Here are the Democrats who support the auditing of the fed.
Rep. John Adler, NJ: (202) 225-4765
Rep. Travis Childers, MS: (202) 225-4306
Rep. Steve Driehaus, OH: (202) 225-2216
Rep. Rubén Hinojosa, TX: (202) 225-2531
Rep. Suzanne Kosmas, FL: (877) 956-7627
Rep. Dan Maffei, NY: (202) 225-3701
Rep. Brad Miller, NC: (202) 225-3032
Rep. Walt Minnick, ID: (202) 225-6611
Rep. Ed Perlmutter, CO: (202) 225-2645
Rep. David Scott, GA: (202) 225-2939
Rep. Brad Sherman, CA: (202) 225-5911
Rep. Jackie Speier, CA: (202) 225-3531
Please call them and ask them to support the Ron Paul/Alan Grayson amendment and NOT the Mel Watt BS amendment to the bill.
Vote(s) will be held in the coming days.
Please call Mel Watt too: (202) 225-1510
Mel Watt's contact info.
Watt claims to support full auditing and increased transparency, yet his amendment completely removes all effect and substance and purpose from the bill itself. Thus his claim is beyond disingenuous, in deep outer space.
For more on Mel Watt's effort to gut Ron Paul's bill, please see the Huffington Post article Audit The Fed Effort Under Threat In House.
Phone Your Own Representative
For a list of phone and fax numbers for Congress please see Speak Out - Audit the Fed, Then End It!
Call Democratic Central Committee
On October 8, in Audit The Fed Revisited Jacob Dreizin offered this advice.
Without a flood of citizen lobbying, they will most likely water down H.R. 1207 into something meaningless, or else ignore it altogether.
The committee Democrats' central phone number is (202) 225-4247, and the fax is (202) 225-6952. Alternately, and perhaps more effectively, you can politely email some or all of the committee's most senior Democrat staff directly, as follows:
Committee staff director and chief counsel:
Committee deputy chief counsel:
Committee communications director: (or possibly
Call The Capital Switchboard
Conservative For Change has this advice in Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill Gutted.
It is time to get on the phone with everyone in Washington...Congressman and Senators and demand action against the illegal Federal Reserve. Call the Capitol Switchboard 202-224-3121 and speak with everyone you can!