It is good to see independent media picking up on the regulatory capture theme. After all... (from the 2007 post Banks, Brokers, & Bullsh1+ part 1):
A thorough forensic analysis of Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and Lehman Brothers has uncovered...
More on LehmanBrothers Dies While Getting Away with Murder: Introducing Regulatory Capture
Please excuse the sound. I was coming off of a very bad cold, which caused me to lose my voice very early on in the interview.
- ZeroHedge Asks the Tough Questions of BofA and Repo 105s, Inquiring Minds Want to Know
- When the Patina Fades... The Rise and Fall of Goldman Sachs???
- Is the Threat to the Banks Over? Implied Volatility Says So
- 10 Ways to say "No, the Banks Have Not Paid Back Their Bailout from the Taxpayer!"
- To Bonus, or Not to Bonus? That is the Question
- Reggie Middleton on JP Morgan's "Blowout" Q4-09 Results
- The Morgan Stanley Q1 Outlook
- Doesn't Morgan Stanley Read My Blog?
- The Fed Believes Secrecy is in Our Best Interests. Here are Some of the Secrets
- Why Doesn't the Media Take a Truly Independent, Unbiased Look at the Big Banks in the US?
- As the markets climb on top of one big, incestuous pool of concentrated risk...
- Any objective review shows that the big banks are simply too big for the safety of this country
- The ARE trying to kick the bad mortgages down the road, here's proof!
- Why hasn't anybody questioned those rosy stress test results now that the facts have played out?
- If a Bubble Bubble Bursts Off Balance Sheet, Will Anyone Be There to Hear It?
- If a Bubble Bubble Bursts Off Balance Sheet, Will Anyone Be There to Hear It?: Pt 2 - JP Morgan
- If a Bubble Bubble Bursts Off Balance Sheet, Will Anyone Be There to Hear It?: Pt 3 - BAC (the bank
- If a Bubble Bubble Bursts Off Balance Sheet, Will Anyone Be There to Hear It? Pt 4 - Wells Fargo
- If a Bubble Bubble Bursts Off Balance Sheet, Will Anyone Be There to Hear It? Pt 5 - PNC Bank
- The Next Step in the Bank Implosion Cycle???
- A Must Read: An Independent Look into JP Morgan. This contains the "public preview" document (
JPM Public Excerpt of Forensic Analysis Subscription 2009-09-18 00:56:22 488.64 Kb), which is free to download.
JPM Report (Subscription-only) Final - Professional
JPM Forensic Report (Subscription-only) Final- Retail