Our monthly Monetary Watch, an Austrian take on where we are on the monetary inflation front examining the money creation activities of the Federal Reserve and private banks...
The Money Supply, Where We Are Now
The U.S. money supply aggregates based on the Austrian definition of the money supply, what Austrians call the True Money Supply or TMS, saw varying degrees of growth in May, with narrow TMS1 posting a robust rate of increase of 18.4% annualized while broad TMS2 showed a more subdued rate of increase of 3.6%. That brought the annualized three-month rate of growth on TMS1 and TMS2 to 18.2% and 13.9% respectively, up from the 8.0% and 13.7% rates of growth seen in April.
More Charts and Commentary available at: http://blogs.forbes.com/michaelpollaro/2011/06/29/monetary-watch-june-2011-inflation-prospects-post-qe-ii