The large drop in the market was not a surprise to our paid subscribers because we issued a Special Report on May 16th. showing why a "precipitous drop" was coming soon. At that time, we also commented on what I would have told my father if he was still alive, and we concluded the report with the following paragraph on May 16th:
"No one knows for sure, but things could be lining up for what could be a perfect storm. These are risk levels that no one should be exposed to right now. My Dad passed away last month at 93, but if you were to ask me what I would have told him now ... I would tell him to Get Out of the market right now. So, that is my advice right now, given the total picture we are seeing. Be safe now and go to cash ... we can always move back in and buy later if things turn out okay and get better. But for now, I am going to recommend Selling at the open this morning and going to cash. (Posted on May 16, 2011.)"
So, we did have that big drop ... what now?
Be sure to come back tomorrow when we will tell you what you "What you should have on your Radar Screen now".