Today is courtesy day for our free subscribers. That means that we will share one of the three dozen charts that we post every day on our paid subscriber sites.
Today, we will look at a chart that "net's out" the amount of Daily Buying and Selling by Institutional Investors. The value of this is that it tells you whether they are in Accumulation or Distribution.
There are two conditions to be aware of when looking at this chart:
Whether Institutional Investors are in Accumulation or Distribution. *** Right now, the are in Distribution.
The next condition to be aware of is whether there is an up trend or down trend going on within the Accumulation or Distribution condition. *** Even though there was a small up tick yesterday on the red/blue Accumulation/Distribution trend lines, the trend was down with lower/highs and lower/lows while in Distribution territory. At the same time, there was a short term (daily) up tick on the fast green bar, so there was a short term positive bias yesterday. However, there needs to be more work done here otherwise the down trend won't change.
(NOTE: Today's chart is updated daily and can be found on the Standard subscriber site; Section 4, Charts 7. This is a courtesy chart today and will NOT be shown again on this Free Member site until mid August the earliest.)