RTT stands for readtheticker. Readtheticker.com has two market timers, this is one is the shorter time frame model. The other RTT Market Timer is the longer time frame model.
Mechanical timing models are a great benchmark to help the investor find ground zero with their timing with out emotion. The last several months has been jammed with central bank meetings and central bankers talking to the press, and of course the build up to the Obama election. To ignore the noise around the market is very difficult. This is why a mechanical timer is essential to any investor as an aid because it helps the investor overcome one's own emotions and to stay the course during the trend, to not pick tops or call bottoms.
The RTT Short Term Timer is very simple, made up of three indicators and it does surprising well. Two indicators are custom indicators to readtheticker.com
Add the above to our RTTTrendStatus. Then reading the SP500 index gets very interesting.