The Social Engineering of US Complacency
With Special Guest F William Engdahl, Author & Freelance Writer
28 Minutes, 35 Slides
In Part II, F William Engdahl continues with more public misconceptions of the US Geo-Political Strategy. Some of the subjects discussed include:
SDI (Star Wars) - Strategic Defense Initiative

Other than crafting the world 'defense' in its title, SDI is anything but a 'Defense Initiative". It is in fact intended to give the US "First Strike" capability under the 2002 Bush II Doctrine of Preemption. SDI, which delivers US nuclear primacy, is seen as a blatant destabilizing threat by Russia and China. With missiles being deployed in Russia's former Warsaw Pact member neighbors such as Poland, the Czech Republic, as well as Turkey. Russia sees the US to have gone back on its agreements which ended the Cold War and dismantled the Warsaw Pact. Additionally, Obama's "Asia Pivot"now threatens China in a similar aggressive fashion.
Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) - The Dehumanization of War
The social lessons of Vietnam and the advancement of technology has completely changed the strategies of modern warfare. As a consequence warfare has been 'dehumanized' in such as manner as to have become something the public accepts with indifference, similar to children 'killing' in a video game. Taxes don't go up to fund wars (historically they always did which caused social push back). 'Body-bags' are not shown and counted on the nightly news, but rather killings are executed remotely through drones or high flying B2 bombers with precision munitions with no loss of American life. The American people don't see the atrocities but instead only see, hear and experience what is carefully crafted in a 12 second evening news sound bite. While hiding the behind patriotic words of 'Nation Building", Democracy and Freedom, the US relentlessly expands it military footprint to unprecedented levels.
Genetically Modified Food (GMO) - Modern Form of Eugenics
The stealth activities of Genetically Modified Foods hides what F William Engdahl labels as modern day Eugenics. Through political influence, manufacturers restrict content labeling, which can only be seen as dangerous and hiding sinister motivations. F William Engdahl having extensively researched this subject in writing his book "The Seeds of Destruction", discloses the hidden agenda at play here.
The above and more on the US Social Engineering of US Complacency is discussed in this conversation between F William Engdahl, John Rubino and Gordon T Long. This 28 minute video is accompanied by 35 detailed slides.
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