with Bert Dohmen & Gordon T Long
13 Minutes, 22 Slides
Bert called the recent market weakness and sell off on CNBC Asia on March 23rd. He said it was going to be a race between Wall Street getting the backlog of IPO's out and the market caving in. He was very specific in identifying the extreme warning signals in the NASDAQ and Small Cap stocks and the identification of a key reversal on March 21st in the S&P. A key reversal day which he feels is always seen at major tops.
Though Bert feels a near term bounce is likely the week of April 14th, he doesn't believe it will be sustained. The smart money has been and will continue to take full advantage of any market strength to exit.
Bert had taken full advantage of the prior parabolic run-up with a strategy of buying those stocks with no earnings as he believed those stocks would rise the "fastest and mostest". That period he feels is now over for the year. He exited all long positions on March 24th which is an usual position for Dohmen Capital to take but they feel so strongly about the degree of risk now at hand.
Three Peaks and a Domed House
Last November at a webinar Bert warned of what he referred to as Three Peaks and a Domed House (below). He felt it was eerily similar to 1929.
Join Bert Dohmen and Gordon T Long as they assess the risk presently inherent in the US equity markets.
Bert Dohmen cautions that global government's are not yet finished their attempts to keep assets prices up and therefore investors must be 'on the alert'.
Macro Analytics Video- Bert Dohmen: What the Technical Tell Us - Part 2
with Bert Dohmen & Gordon T Long
13 Minutes, 22 Slides

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