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Do JPM and Citi Control the NY Fed (and US Monetary Policy)?

MP3: Interview with Jay Taylor taped on September 29, 2014.

1. Shanghai Gold Exchange and Shanghai Metal Exchange physical metals premia vs. LBMA pricing:

SGE Gold: +0.1 % premium vs LBMA vs. +0.8% two weeks ago (last time posted)
SGE Silver:+13.1% premium vs LBMA vs. +11.4% two weeks ago
SME Palladium +15.9% premium vs LBMA vs. +18.2% two weeks ago
SME Platinum +6.4% premium vs LBMA vs. +7.4% two weeks ago

2. Day-to-day trading of gold has been reduced to theater by unallocated gold instruments on the LBMA (85% of global volume) and Comex futures trading. Western gold price commentary is distraction for investors.

  • Virtual gold and silver creation at LBMA / COMEX effect price controls which will lead to physical market disruption.
  • Unsound currencies and now unsound markets which are manipulated by virtualized gold and silver. Essential for investors to ignore day-to-day price and understand market destabilization and subversion as central issue.

Revisit words of John Exter formerly of the Federal Reserve's Board of Governors:

"The marketplace is a crime and punishment world, and this Federal Reserve credit expansion is the greatest monetary crime of all time. Accordingly the punishment will be far and away the greatest punishment of all time."

Prepare for a material change in the world's currency, bond and equity markets.

3. In a quote from pp. 123 - 124 of Ferdinand Lips' book Gold Wars: The Battle Against Sound Money as Seen from a Swiss Perspective Ferdi Lips indicated that he discovered that the bullion banks were inciting gold leasing by central banks. The financial sector as a whole benefits from the short-circuiting of the gold price over the last 25 years as it allowed the central banks to run excessively loose monetary policy thereby "financializing" the economy - stimulating a series of financial bubbles from which the financial sector benefited.

Goldman Sachs management taken-over by London's J. Aron & Co. bullion traders. http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2012/10/01/the-j-aron-takeover-of-goldman-sachs/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0

Who is J.Aron & Co.? Appear to be at center of gold manipulation.

NY Fed whistle-blower Carmen Segarra has now released tapes indicating regulatory capture of the NY Fed by Goldman Sachs. Tapes revealed that Goldman believed "once clients are wealthy enough certain consumer laws don't apply to them.".

Also NY Fed officials pressured Carmen Segarra not to document that Goldman had not conflict-of-interest policy.

Appearance of complete regulatory capture of Fed and US Treasury by the financial sector.

Paradoxically, NY Fed's shareholders are the NY banks (including Goldman) and it is the NY Fed that is captured by its shareholders. NY Fed roles include acting as regulator of the banking sector (its shareholders!). Federal Reserve structured to be inherently a conflict-of-interest with its regulatory oversight role over its own shareholders.


4. It is not just Goldman Sachs that controls the NY Fed.

  • Major banks are shareholders of the NY Fed - some more than others.
  • NY Fed is critical Reserve Bank as it effects all of the Fed's financial market interventions and NY home to all the major US banks.
  • NY Fed also has permanent seat on the Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee FOMC that sets interest rate policy.
  • Who are the shareholders of the NY Fed and what are their shareholdings?
  • The Federal reserve hides its shareholder information from public scrutiny.

Unfortunately, only source of information that we have is from the book Secrets of the Federal Reserve http://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Federal-Reserve-Eustace-Mullins/dp/0979917654

In the Addendum to the book, Mullens posts information he received in 1983 re. NY Fed shareholdings at that time: http://www.barefootsworld.net/fs_m_add.html


Bankers Trust Company


( 6%)

Bank of New York


( 2%)

Chase Manhattan Bank *



Chemical Bank *


( 8%)




European American Bank & Trust


( 2%)

J. Henry Schroder Bank & Trust


( .5%)

Manufacturers Hanover *


( 7%)

Morgan Guaranty Trust *


( 9%)

National Bank of North America


( 2%)


* denotes current JPMorgan Chase subsidiaries. JPM has 38% of putative NY Fed shares.

  • Citibank also holds 15% of NY Fed shares.
  • Between JPM Chase and Citibank, share holdings of NY Fed was 53% at that time
  • Morgan interests were historically Rothschild fronts and Chase Manhattan & CItibank were Rockefeller banks.
  • Focused holdings of NY Fed shares would give ability of two major banks and their shareholders to have outsized control of US monetary and financial sector policy.
  • Further, JPM and Citibank are only 2 US banks with gold / silver derivatives positions

See page 34 of 37 of Office of Comptroller of Currency http://www.occ.gov/topics/capital-markets/financial-markets/trading/derivatives/dq114.pdf

Market interventions are bank interventions - NOT Treasury or central bank interventions. By the banks for the banks.

It is critical to audit the Federal Reserve as Ron Paul advocates.

5. US House Speaker John Boehner in ABC interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EJlC_AaVY4

  • Boehner says 'boots on the ground' in Iraq / Syria will be needed to defeat ISIS.
  • Boehner should say 'we need boots on the oil'
  • Western currency crisis is coming and Western creation of ISIS is serving as an excuse to seize oil assets (instead of reforming Western monetary system)


6. New Singapore physical gold exchange opening on October 13, 2014 following Shanghai FTZ gold exchange on September 18


The world is moving to physical gold exchanges and away from corrupt LBMA and COMEX exchanges that trade virtual metal.

7. Following China and BRICS countries move to gold exchange Chinese Yuan, now have riots in Hong Kong

Have seen this fomenting of riots before in 1968 in France when Charles de Gaulle pushed for global gold-based exchange standard vs. unstable USD.

Student riots from out of nowhere in 1968 and de Gaulle out of office within short period.

"...At the same time, he strongly opposed the global economic dictate of US currency, insisting on establishing the golden standard as the base of international economic relations.

De Gaulle's efforts were deliberately undermined by the architects of dollar-based globalization. The student movement in Paris started, without any significant domestic social reasons, literally a month after the meeting of Bilderberg Club where Baron Edmond de Rothschild and leading CIA strategist, rabid anticommunist James Jesus Angleton launched a far-reaching scenario of destabilization of Europe, instrumentalizing an ambitious George Pompidou for a political change in France that should be fairly recognized as a sophisticated coup d'etat. ..."


  • China is ripe for economic chaos after enormous bubbles created by China's central bank.
  • China's citizens have been encouraged by the government media to hold gold and silver likely for this reason as way to stabilize the country during the transition.


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