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Gold And Silver - Elite's NWO Secretly Operates In The Open

There are far bigger concerns about which Americans remain woefully unaware, even within the Precious Metals community. How much demand there is for silver coins, how low is the supply for silver in contradistinction to an insatiable demand, China supposedly to set the price for physical gold to reflect reality once the Shanghai gold exchange got up and running, which it has been, etc, etc, etc, are not the most relevant factors, right now.

Almost all of the so-called PM experts/bloggers who report detailed information, and many available articles on the web focused on gold and silver, have collectively been untimely as to expectations in the 'meteoric' rise in prices that are supposed to reflect the realities of actual supply and demand. China will not be the country [even including the BRICS nations collectively] to rescue gold from the fiat-driven Western global elites who do whatever possible to make gold economically irrelevant on the world economic stage.

There is no one who has yet made a cause/effect argument for how gold and silver have been priced over the past five years for the simple fact of the proactive suppression by the central bankers acting at the behest of the globalists. Price suppression is artificial. It is impossible to reconcile fundamental realities to intangible artificialities. The two do not intersect, yet almost all interpretations/analysis/understanding of pricing gold and silver have been in vain because of unnatural existence of an ongoing circumstance that has no definable measure.

If, and it seems more probable when, the elite's corporate operations, known as the federal UNITED STATES, fall apart due do the unsustainable debt creation, and the launching of so many regional wars around the globe in the service of maintaining the fiat Federal Reserve Note, dollar, as the world reserve currency, then, and only then will we likely see the end of the decline in PMs and some degree of higher prices.

China's emerging global power, along with the BRICS purported opposition to the elite's IMF/BIS monetary stranglehold on how the world functions economically, plus Russia's defending Syria's Assad, defeating the US-created ISIS via Russia's air force, and forging a renewed alliance with Iran to replace what appears to be the crumbling House of Saud and its partner in crime, Qatar, all of these events, as a current counterpunch to US destructive control over the Middle East, have not yet altered the suppressed prices for gold and silver, as one might reasonably expect.

Americans, especially, have greater issues over which to be concerned but appear to be totally unaware. This unawareness is also important for the PM community as it may affect their holdings of physical gold and silver. The elites have taken over this country, and it should be taken as a done deal. There are so many examples bearing this out, and in each and every instance, the American public remains clueless.

The Trans Pacific Partnership, TPP, and the Transatlantic Trade And Investment Partnership, TTIP, have been forced down the throats of the completely unaware, unknowing, and even uncaring American public, including all the politicians who voted for the passage of both. We have covered these insidious trade agreements, previously. No need to give more ink for topics over which people have little to no interest.

We have also mentions the UN's Agenda 21, exhorting people to do some research on how their lives are going to be intractably altered. The UN, in effect, already controls the US corporate government, another fact most are unaware of and would not believe, anyway.

For the uninformed, Agenda 21 takes away private property ownership, single-family homes, private car ownership, individual travel choices, and privately owned farms. All will be under the control of the UN, and this last sentence is just the tip of the iceberg.

There was an article put out by the Rutherford Institute, last week, by John W Whitehead, its founder, Things Are Getting Scary; Global Police, Precrime And The War On Global 'Extremists.' It is another prime example of how the NWO is in control and [secretly] operates in the open because most do not care enough to be aware of how their lives are being dictated, let alone do anything about it.

Essentially, this is another step taken by the UN to get local police under direct UN control. No, it is not overt, [it never is, which is how the elites work], and it will occur slowly but inexorably. From the article:

"Under the guise of fighting violent extremism "in all of its forms and manifestations" in cities and communities across the world, the Obama administration has agreed to partner with the United Nations to take part in its Strong Cities Network program. Funded by the State Department through 2016, after which "charities are expected to take over funding," the cities included in the global network include New York City, Atlanta, Denver, Minneapolis, Paris, London, Montreal, Beirut and Oslo.

"Working with the UN, the federal government will train local police agencies across America in how to identify, fight and prevent extremism, as well as address intolerance within their communities, using all of the resources at their disposal."

It is expressed in a benign manner. "The Obama administration has agreed to "partner" with the United Nations..." Then adding, "Working with the UN, the federal government will train local police across America..." Since when have local police been accountable to the federal government, and now, they will even be accountable and under the direction of the UN? This is absolutely incredible!

..."The government's war on extremists, of which the Strong Cities program is a part, is being sold to Americans in much the same way that the USA Patriot Act was sold to Americans: as a means of combatting terrorists who seek to destroy America."

Earlier in the article, you get an explicit explanation as to who are the "terrorists."

"If you believe in and exercise your rights under the Constitution (namely, your right to speak freely, worship freely, associate with like-minded individuals who share your political views, criticize the government, own a weapon, demand a warrant before being questioned or searched, or any other activity viewed as potentially anti-government, racist, bigoted, anarchic or sovereign), you have just been promoted to the top of the government's terrorism watch list."

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may be an anti-government extremist (a.k.a. domestic terrorist) in the eyes of the police."

"As such, you are now viewed as a greater threat to America than ISIS or al Qaeda."

This information is not new, and there are many articles of this nature available, but you will nervier hear or read about it in the mainstream news that owes its allegiance to the global elites that own the media, or shall we say whose owners are indebted to, if not an active player with the NWO.

"In other words, police -- acting ostensibly as extensions of the United Nations -- will identify, monitor and deter individuals who exhibit, express or engage in anything that could be construed as extremist."

It gets repeated again...your local police will be acting at the behest of the UN, and it is the globalist's UN's sole mission to get a one world government where people do not own land, have no say about their own affairs, even as to where they live. All of that will be determined by the UN and its Agenda 21. It is all there, in plain site that very few take the time to see. Take a few minutes to read the UN's website about Agenda 21, if you harbor any doubts how the federal government never acts in your best interests, ever.

It is about money and power, and the globalists want it all.

The UN and all police will be like the Thought Controllers, monitoring every aspect of your life, circa Orwell's "1984," but squared. If you do not believe that, then you must be clueless about the NSA, Homeland Security, FEMA, and a number of "camps" around the country where people who are determined to be anti-government, [we would call them truth-tellers], could very week be 'relocated' at the whim of police and federal government.

"For example, in 2009, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released two reports, one on "Rightwing Extremism," which broadly defines rightwing extremists as individuals and groups "that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely," and one on "Leftwing Extremism," which labeled environmental and animal rights activist groups as extremists.

"Incredibly, both reports use the words terrorist and extremist interchangeably.

"That same year, the DHS launched Operation Vigilant Eagle, which calls for surveillance of military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, characterizing them as extremists and potential domestic terrorist threats because they may be 'disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war.'"

If you like preserving the environment and like animals, you qualify as an extremist, aka a home-grown 'terrorist.' Sound silly? Then why would the corporate federal government send Americans to fight foreign wars, and when they return as veterans be characterized as potential extremists?

How does all of this pertain to gold and silver? Potentially immensely. For those who know STASI and East Germany, where family members would turn even on other family members, and no one trusted anyone, how do you think you will be viewed by anyone with whom you might want to exchange your gold/silver for something? The government will have no need to confiscate your gold and silver. Dutiful, brainwashed citizens will rat you out for defying the government in using something other than whatever paper-denominated "currency" is to be used at all times for all transactions, if everything has not already been digitalized and reported immediately.

Food for thought, for those who chose to think for themselves.

Speaking of fiat, fictional "money," the federal "dollar" appeared to be headed lower, only to wash out stops and weak longs, trapping new shorts, in the process, to stage a very strong rebound rally. What difference does it make if the federal government debt is now over $19.5 trillion, and counting? What difference does it make that NO paper currency has ever maintained its violability and ceased to exist?

The globalist's central bankers continue to muscle up the dying "dollar," as it wrecks the US economy, along with that of Europe, in order to install its new fascist one world government. There is certainly no opposition to be found in the US, and none in Europe. It was thought Germany would be smart enough not to let its economy be ruined by the US, but that US satellite "state" is going along with the kabuki theater directed by the US.

Germany stands to lose its strong business ties to Russia by bowing to US pressure to unjustifiably, and illegally we might add, sanction Russia and ruin Germany's economic growth. [Maybe not ruin, but certainly harm growth.] Russia simply turned to China, and it is a reasonable question to ask if Russia will need German business in the future? Merkel has dome that country no favors by kneeling at the alter of political stupidity.

With the manipulated markets, the globalist's central bankers are doing what they can to prop up the failing "dollar." Within the space of a month, the fiat dropped from 97 to 94 and then rallied back above 97 for no discernible reason, surely not one that made sense. For as long as the chart of the sickly fiat "dollar" can give the appearance of 'health,' gold and silver are unlikely to rally. That said, anything is always possible, so gold and silver should be treated independent of this development.

US Dollar Index Daily Chart

It used to be when price broke above an area of resistance on a weekly chart, like gold did two weeks ago, it would lead to a rally of substance. However, in today's central banking-controlled markets, such a breakout cannot be viewed as reliable anymore.

Still, market activity has to be respected, and the weekly development means it is now more important to watch the daily for immediate direction.

Gold Weekly Chart

The chart explanation succinctly captures the potential for a further rally, if the current reaction can hold without going much lower, if at all, and we can see the resumption of another rally on increased volume. It would warrant taking a small position to take advantage of the developing market momentum to the upside, for now.

Gold Daily Chart

Silver does not 'appear' to be as strong as gold, chart-wise, but the gold:silver ratio has come in from 78:1 a week or two ago, the around 73.5:1 currently, saying silver is holding its own.

The overlapping bars and clustering of closes over the last 3 weeks has taken on a more positive character, since last week's analysis. The daily now needs to be monitored with a view for immediate direction.

Silver Weekly Chart

The sideways developing activity over the last 13 TDs [Trading Days], is a weak correction, relative to the rally leading up to it. Weak corrections tend to lead to higher prices. It is also encouraging that the sideways correction held above 15.50, a recent resistance area.

A strong intra day turnaround, next week, would warrant a small position from the long side.

It has been quite some time since we have made such a statement.

Silver Daily Chart


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