Chiva Chiva
A few thoughts on where we reside in what has been referred to as GOLDBURG aka the Precious Metals Complex.
VALUE compared to the SDR will be a country's stockpile of Gold / Silver / Oil Reserves / Productive Capacities.
PRICE will be reflected in the above arrangements. All that glitter... has not headed entirely where it's been reported to have landed - 'Points East.'
This indeed is a destination, but one of several.
Consider WHO issues the SDR, and WHY.
The clue is in the above Silver Chart - a false and misleading paradigm, one which has been well underway since 2005 or roughly ten years of intensified re-arranging of the Deck Chairs for the USA, far longer clearly, but the acceleration of the Global State kicked into very high gear in March of 2005.
Collapse is REQUIRED - East vs West mongering escalates and our beloved Dollar is put to the Cross.
Conditioning is well advanced, our tireless Golfer in Charge is an accident waiting to happen, Change indeed - a change which triggers vast abandonment of the prior paradigm.
Globally the perception of the Empire crumbling must be seen as a madness and not the covert program of economic destabilization and redistribution. Our mascots in ascots: The Federal Reserve and it's fainting Goat, President Obama, Vladamir Putin, ISIS... etal... merely illusory distractions.
Occam's Razor never fails me, perhaps I'm lucky that way in believing the simple truths are indeed best.
Cui bono?
Well that is as plain as the nose on our faces.
GOLDBURG & It's SilverBurb's are not going to enjoy their gains... they will survive Dollar wealth destruction - of this there is absolutely NO DOUBT.
There are many people within the community of Precious Metals who have suggested horrific outcomes, it should be noted they are not at all wrong, they are correct. Often the messengers betray the message... many indeed have, but a great many did so to prepare their fellow man/woman/child for what will come.
There is no win here and certainly no guarantee of survival, absolutely none. You're fooling yourself IF you believe otherwise. It would be a crime at this stage to have your attention drawn to scapegoats... which is presently about all we are spoon fed. All the cries and wailings directed upon 'institutions' whom are merely pawns on this Global Board... well, in my humble opinion, are barely worth discussions at this point, they serve little purpose whatsoever.
The frenetic pace of 'over here, over there' - has necks snapping, all by design.
The charts above will be meaningless within the new arrangement, for now they simply serve as a reminder as to when and how those playing the 'Game' failed and those running it won.
In between Now and Then... the mere feat of survival is NOT at all dependent upon stacking. In fact, it might be wise for those 'Out over their collective Ski's' with the stuff to consider re-allocation to more important tools for crossing over... the 'things' we need to make our arrangements bearable in times of extreme crisis - the likes of which none of us have ever known.
For those who feel the gravity of this and understand, even to a small degree have a look below at the following "trends."
- Sine Paenitentia,