Scan for a cause and you have a set up for a swing trade.
Reminder of Richard Wyckoff 2nd law of Supply and Demand
The Law of Cause and Effect: In order for there to be an effect (change in price), there needs to be a cause. The effect will be in direct proportion to that cause. Best price moves occur when there has been enough time to allow for a period of accumulation or distribution (or in other words a cause).
The Law of Cause and Effect: In order for there to be an effect (change in price), there needs to be a cause. The effect will be in direct proportion to that cause. Best price moves occur when there has been enough time to allow for a period of accumulation or distribution (or in other words a cause).
Investing Quote...
"Mathematics is the only exact science. All power under heaven and on earth is given to the man who masters the simple science of mathematics." ~ William D Gann
"The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing." ~ Philip Fisher
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." ~ Benjamin Franklin
"I measure what's going on, and I adapt to it. I try to get my ego out of the way. The market is smarter than I am so I bend." ~ Martin Zweig
"A market is the combined behavior of thousands of people responding to information, misinformation and whim." ~ Kenneth Chang