We are of the opinion, based upon our research and the opinions of numerous analysts we respect and follow, that an incredible move to the upside in the shares of natural resources is right around the corner. We may still have some work to do from a technical and timing standpoint for the next few weeks, but we suggest investors should be preparing for this event.
If you as a reader agree with us, then the question is, what is the best way to position yourself to capture some fabulous profits?
Our friend Adam Hamilton, editor of Zeal Intelligence presented a great write-up in the July issue of his service on alternative strategies for investing in the natural resource sector.
We have many times expressed our views that investors could choose to invest in mutual funds, ETF's, common shares and long-term warrants. What we find refreshing is Adam Hamilton is now considering all of these alternative strategies including, our favorite vehicle, long-term warrants.
If you are a subscriber to Zeal Intelligence then you have read Adam's comments. For other readers we have provided a link to his entire July Issue of Zeal Intelligence on our website, of course with his permission to do so.
Yes, it is always possible for us and other analysts to be wrong (at least in the short-term), as trying to time these markets is a dangerous adventure. That said, it feels to us we are preparing for a blast off in gold and silver which should catapult the entire natural resource shares and/or the long-term warrants thereon, to much higher levels. Our vision is for the possibility of a powerful and sustained rally beginning soon which could extend into April - May 2008.
We encourage investors to do your homework, pick your investments carefully and then exercise patience allowing yourself the opportunity to capture these potential gains.
For those readers wishing more information on warrants we encourage you to visit our new Learning Center on our website.