Gold •254 days | 2,368.70 | +35.30 | +1.51% | |
Platinum •10 mins | 1,012.90 | +6.90 | +0.69% | |
WTI Crude •10 mins | 67.19 | +0.64 | +0.96% | |
Gasoline •10 mins | 2.149 | +0.016 | +0.74% | |
Ethanol •254 days | 2.161 | +0.000 | +0.00% | |
Silver •254 days | 30.82 | +1.16 | +3.92% |
Silver • 254 days | 30.82 | +1.16 | +3.92% | ||
Copper • 254 days | 4.530 | +0.111 | +2.51% | ||
Brent Crude • 10 mins | 70.59 | +0.71 | +1.02% | ||
Natural Gas • 10 mins | 4.089 | -0.022 | -0.54% | ||
Heating Oil • 10 mins | 2.167 | +0.004 | +0.20% |
Contributor since: 26 Feb 2010
Michael "Mish" Shedlock is a registered investment advisor representative for SitkaPacific Capital Management.
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