32 Minutes, 34 Slides
If you're a banker, you were traumatized by the 2009 crash and have been unwilling to lend to marginal customers. Now you're seeing:
- Customers' homes becoming more valuable
- Stock portfolios going up
- Business valuations rising
In short, your customers are becoming a lot more creditworthy.
Meanwhile, you're sitting on massive reserves and are starting to feel like you're missing the boat, and worried that your competitors are going to ramp up lending more quickly than you, report better numbers, and make you look incompetent.
SOLUTION: Go for it, start lending to anyone with a pulse and collecting the resulting fees.
Meanwhile, the Fed is in a box. It can't let interest rates rise to historically normal levels because that would cause federal interest expense to explode when short term debt is rolled over. So they have to maintain QE even in the face of a ramp-up in bank lending.
RESULT: Massive amounts of money slamming into a system where stocks and home prices are already at near record levels. A Crack up boom?

Money flows where it is perceived to be safest or of most value based on weakening currency value.
The Places where VALUE can be STORED and PRESERVED
- Physical Assets
- Hard Currency Assets
- Financial Dividend Paying Equity Instruments
- Food and Staples
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