with John Rubino & Gordon T Long
23 Minutes, 50 Slides
Starting with a discussion of the history of the Crimea and the aid of 50 slides , John Rubino and Gordon T Long show how intractable the problem in the Ukraine really is. As a result the current political actions are highly likely to lead to serious unintended consequences.

Escalating & Destabilizing Sanctions
The globally interconnected financial world is not prepared for a new version of the cold war. An escalating cycle of economic and financial sanctions has unknowable consequences to all parties. Shocks to any part of the global financial system will quickly cascade and lead to unexpected and potentially uncontrollable contagion.
Intended / Unintended Cyber Warfare Risks
The worrisome wild card in the Ukraine situation is the use of cyber attacks which has already been witnessed. Whether employed by the sovereign powers involved in the conflict, or by disruptive political activist groups, the damage can be dramatic and destabilizing. The "Snake" virus already coursing through the electronic network veins of the Ukraine has left "Denial of Service" as the new replacement acronym for "Shock and Awe!"
Debt Size Versus Complexity & Financial Fragility
Global debt is now so large that the risks associated with financial fragility leaves the entire global financial system exposed to elements of unknowable complexity.
The Ukraine situation is much more serious than the media is portraying. This is not another Georgia. The Ukraine is an Economic, Energy and Military choke point that financially none of the players can concede nor walk away from.
Russia's very existence may be at stake in this first financial battle of the 21st century.
Ukraine: Financial Warfare with John Rubino
with John Rubino & Gordon T Long
23 Minutes, 50 Slides