Regular Co-Host: Charles Hugh Smith, Author & Publisher of
With Charles Hugh Smith & Gordon T Long
35 Minutes - 21 Slides
Charles Hugh Smith and Gordon T Long discuss the notion of "Helicopter Money" in the context of the following:
1- The What, Why and How of Helicopter Money,
2- Who is likely to be first off the pad?
3- The Recipients: The Expected Winners.
4- The Payers: The Expected Losers.
What to Expect Going Forward - "QE for the People"
The What, Why & How of Helicopter Money
Support is growing around the world for increasing stimulus needs to be funded by "People's QE." The idea behind "People's QE" is that central banks would directly fund government spending and even inject money directly into household bank accounts, if need be. As you would expect, the idea is catching on.
- The European Central Bank is buying bonds of the European Investment Bank, an E.U. institution that finances infrastructure projects.
- The new leader of Britain's Labor Party, Jeremy Corbyn, is backing a British version of Helicopter Money.
You can count on it be very popular with the public.
Who will protest when the feds begin handing money to "mid- and low-income households"?
There is a serious problem however with this scheme as Gordon T Long points out. To him it signals the end and that we have crossed the Rubicon.
.. and much, much more of insightful discussion here!